How to Spring Clean, According to Professional Organizer Lisa Jacobs

Spring is a time of renewal and regeneration, and with that, comes the expectation of a good spring clean to set the scene. 

Yet, like most things in life, cleaning and organizing are not everybody’s forte. So why not let those with a natural talent and years of expertise help you through it? Enter professional organizer Lisa Jacobs of Imagine It Done. Like Maison Benjamin, she’s a New York-based company specializing in helping clients find solutions that fit their lifestyle, and her flair and professionalism are admirable. As one of the best in the business, we reached out to her to get her thoughts on where to get started on spring cleaning: 

All photos courtesy of Imagine It Done

All photos courtesy of Imagine It Done

Maison Benjamin: We all know spring cleaning is important, but why? 

Lisa Jacobs: A spring clean is the perfect time of the year to focus on your home, all of your contents, your schedule and all the changes this time of the year brings. Spring is all about renewal and rebirth. As the days get longer and brighter it is a natural opportunity to embrace change, and gives time to reboot and refresh your life by cleaning up and cleaning out.

MB: What are your tips for starting a good spring clean?

LJ: My tips to make your spring clean doable and efficient are: 

  • Make a task-centered list. Your focus should be in three key areas that need TLC, e.g. the master closet, pantry, and entryway. Follow the Imagine It Done five-step process for success: Edit, Categorize, Contain, Curate and Personalize.

  • Tackle your master closet first, replacing your winter wardrobe with lighter spring clothing and accessories. Store out-of-season items on upper shelves.

  • Pantry - begin by checking expiration dates, categorize, contain and label is the name of the game.

  • Entryway - Remove all the extra stuff that has been dumped for lack of a better place. Keep coats, boots, outerwear and family gear.

  • Next tackle the household chores you have neglected during the winter months. Prioritize the rooms beginning with the areas screaming for your help.

  • Refer to the Imagine It Done Master Cleaning List (schedule for cleaning daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  • Make a list of all cleaning supplies you will need.

MB: What essential tools should people have on hand for cleaning and organizing?
LJ:My essential tools for cleaning are: a multipurpose cleaner like Dr. Bronner's or Bar Keepers Friend Liquid); liquid bleach; a cleaning white vinegar like this one by Heinz; Windex microfiber cloths; paper towels; a spin mop; a good degreaser (I like Dawn Dish Soap); rubber gloves; and a vacuum, preferably by Miele.

For organizing, I suggest hangers, bins, containers, drawer dividers, shelf dividers, valet rods, a step ladder, a magnetic pet broom, and a P-touch label maker.


MB: What are your favorite products you could recommend? 

LJ: My favorite organizational products are acrylic hangers, acrylic drawers, a Hasegawa step ladder, iDesign stacking clear bins, shelf risers and hyacinth bins.

MB: What’s your favorite room to organize?
LJ: The linen closet is my favorite closet to organize.

MB: Why should people hire a professional organizer? 

LJ: Hiring a professional organizer is life changing. There are many reasons to hire an expert to get a job done correctly and efficiently. After all, they have:

  • The methods and systems proven to set up and provide function for any space.

  • The therapeutic attitude to assist clients on how to edit your stuff to achieve a more organized space and life, and to plow through the roadblocks.

  • They know the systems, the products that work to maximize space and minimize stress, and can help you save time and money. 

  • The expertise to design a space for function and beauty.

The process of organization without a professional is like paying your taxes without an accountant. Of course it can be done, but you’ll not realize gains financially nor emotionally.

MB: Is there anything people should know before they engage the services of a professional? 

LJ:  Before hiring a Professional Organizer, establish your goals, have a budget and carve out a sensible amount of time to get the job done.


MB: How often would you recommend people organize their space?

LJ: Organization should be a way of life, not a chore you are forced to do.  Be proactive, and consider the rewards it affords in your overall way of life. For a simpler, clutter-free, stress-free life, incorporate habits for an organized home, just as you would with your hygiene and nutrition.

Remember: “An organized space is an organized mind is an organized life.” 

Find out more about Lisa’s cleaning philosophy at Imagine It Done.

For Maison Benjamin members looking to spring clean their wardrobe, we offer household organization and house maintenance as part of our property management services. You can find out more about how to enjoy these services by contacting us


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